
Management targets and indicators

Consolidated targets (FY2023)

The Group will apply the new revenue recognition standard from FY2021.

Management indicators

Targets under Seventh Medium-term Business Plan
ATO 0.80 times
ROS 8.5%
(EBITDA margin) 13.2%
ROA 6.8%
E-ratio 70.6%
ROE 6.1%
Ideal proposition
At least 1.0 times
At least 10%
At least 10%
Securing 10%
  • Aggressive investments under Seventh and Eighth Mediumterm Business Plans to realize business growth
  • Management based on EBITDA margin up to the Eighth Medium-term Business Plan to realize steady investment
Excludes goodwill amortization of 1.8 billion yen which arose when Ichibanya Co., Ltd. was made into a subsidiary; figure in parentheses is before the exclusion

Financial Strategies

Prioritize investment to realize growth and strengthen earning capacity through the 4 VCs and strengthen shareholder returns by shrinking assets such as cross-shareholdings